Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Me and the Twins.... January 2009.
If I catch carp this big I throw them back without taking a photograph.
I guess it's different with GrandKids!!
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Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Birthdays? I don't care!!!!

I'm sixty today. Wow, never thought I'd ever be able to say that.
People have been saying: "What's it like to be 60", or "How do you feel now you're REALLY old" and the like..........

Well, truth is I feel the same as I always have.

Still going to work every day and earning a decent living doing something I like doing.

Still married to the finest lady ever (everyone that knows my Susan will agree with that, no contest).

Sue and I get to travel a bit more, now that it's just the two of us for the most part, and that suits me fine. What's better than spending lots of quality time with your best friend?

Getting a little slower and a little creakier physically but hell I've been creaky for years.

Still like my pint every now and then and still love to go carp fishing. Best thing of all is that pretty soon now I'll be able to take the grandkids fishing with me. How cool will that be (short sessions only though, I haven't completely lost it in my dotage).

Birthdays? I've shit 'em!! Bring them on.... I'll take all that I can get (Silly old git !!!!!!!!!!).

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Spring break !!

Sue and I decided to take a break in early June. I love the HBO Deadwood series and have been looking into the history of the era and the area (the Dakota Black Hills). So, we decided to visit South Dakota, a part of the country that we haven't seen. Of course, we'll stay in Deadwood. You can see Deadwood as it is today here: http://www.blackhillsdiscovered.com/siterun_data/places_to_go/deadwood/

A lot of the hotels look a bit basic but we managed to find a decent suite (the Grand Celebrity Suite) at the Celebrity Hotel on main street, seen here: http://www.celebritycasinos.com/Celebrity_luxurybathroom.html

The plan is to be based in Deadwood, play some of the casinos and tour the Black Hills countryside looking in at the historical sites as we go. Should be a lot of fun !!!!

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Six grandchildren

We had the rare opportunity of getting a photo of all six of the grandkids.
Front row: Olivia and Katie
Back row: Jack, Emily, Maggie amd Tommy.
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Smiley Katie

Katie with the giggles. Her sister was not in the same mood so pics of Olivia will have to be from another day!!
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