Saturday, 28 February 2009

Time Flies !!

Emily's eleventh birthday today. The years have just flown by. We remember going to the hospital the night she was born, that's her in the first photo. The second shows a slightly older Emmy with Buddy who looked after her as best he could for an old dog. Shown as her Aunt Michelle's bridesmaid in the third picture, none of us thought that she would walk down the aisle on her own, but she did. She had her tongue stuck out the whole time.... but she did it. Easter of 2004 is the last picture with Emily beginning to show signs of the young lady she was to become. There are quite a few more recent photographs of Emily on this blog showing how she has matured and thrived through her many adventures. We thought that some photos showing part of her journey might be appreciated by all who know her and love her as we do..... Happy Birthday Emily, from Nanny and Grandad.
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Friday, 6 February 2009

Grown-Up Emmy

Where did the time go? Our Emmy looking "fabulous" in her new school photographs.
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