Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Giant Pink Penis

The Tokyo tower is huge columnar building in downtown (like the Seattle Tower or London GPO buildings) that gives a spectalular view over the city. I got a little nervous when I saw, on the very top floor, a machine dedicated to detecting "seismic activity", in other words, "Earthquakes". I figured if they thought it necessary to put the machine up there I diddn't need to be there too.

The other thing that made me slightly uncomfortable was the Tokyo Tower Mascot (see picture above)...... This is what greets busloads of tourists and school group outings as they approach the tower. Now, I know it's not just me, so tell me: Does that not look like a giant pink penis?? Needless to say, mine was one hand this monstrosity did NOT shake..... No way Hashimoto !!!!!!
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